
PyFrost is an object oriented Python API for Maya Bifrost. It simply wraps the cmds.vnn commands.

It it still very early and has a lot of hardcoded stuff, but hopefully it will grow nicely over time (unless Autodesk provides a proper API!)


The current repository is under MIT License.

Feel free to use, change, and share it as you please. You don’t have to, but mentioning my name whenever you use source code from here would be much appreciated!

API Documentation

You can find a generated sphinx documentation at


PyFrost requires Autodesk Maya >= 2018 and the latest version of Bifrost, currently

You can find a module file available in pyfrost\src\module\modules\ which you can add to the MAYA_MODULE_PATH environment variable. It’ll allow Maya to pick up the whole repository automatically for you on startup.

You can always run sys.path.append() on the python source folder pyfrost\src.


Once the module is installed, all you need to do is to run import pyfrost inside Maya.

Please note that importing pyfrost.main may cause a small freeze as it’s also loading the bifrostGraph plugin, which can take some time.

Example multiply node:

import pyfrost.main

# create a new graph node
graph = pyfrost.main.Graph("multiplyNode")

# get the input node and add a "value1" float output
root = graph["/input"]
root["value1"].add("output", "float")

# you can also just stack the full path with its attribute
graph["/input.value2"].add("output", "float")

# or you can keep the ports separated if you prefer to
graph["/input"]["value3"].add("output", "float")

# create a new multiply node
# Note: you can find the nodetype in the scriptEditor by creating a node manually first.
# Then remove the "BifrostGraph," that shows up before the node type
mult = graph.create_node("Core::Math,multiply")

# to connect you can use the bitwise operator
root["value1"] >> mult["value1"]

# if a port doesn't exist on either the target or the source,
# it will try to create a new one with the type set to "auto"
root["value2"] >> mult["new_value"]

# you can also use the default method for connection

# now lets connect that to the output of the graph
mult["output"] >> graph["/output"]["result"]